Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Signs that turning 30 does indeed mean you're getting old

#3 I don't know why I even thought of this but it popped into my mind the other day: one of my core requirements in high school was a computer class  where we learned what the Internet was and how to use it.  I remembering learning how to look up a web page and how to search for things.  Can you even imagine kids today having to take a class to learn what the Internet was?  I also remember that at the time I took this class it really was my only experience with the Internet.  We even learned how to make a basic page using HTML.  I can remember life without the Internet but it's almost like a fake memory because how did we ever look anything up before Internet? And since we're on the subject of technology and being old: when I was in elementary school my friend's dad was some sort of a big wig with a company car and had a car phone in his car.  It was the coolest thing ever. Imagine being able to get a hold of him while he was out and about.  Kids today have cell phones starting at like age 5.  I could probably go on for quite a while in this post.  It's amazing how far technology has come just in my lifetime.  Just looks at how my kids came to be born.  IVF probably sounded like some kind of fantasy just 30 years ago.  Crazy.

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