Tuesday, November 30, 2010

40 Day Walk with Christ - Day 21

Read Alma 55-58
Mark & Ponder Alma 37:35
Scripture of the day: "yea, they had been taught by their mothers." (Alma 56:47)
Thought for the day: "The family is the basic unit of the kingdom of God on earth. The church can be no healthier than its families. No government can long endure without strong families." (Pres Spencer W Kimball)

It's been a super busy day so I got my reading done early but haven't had time to blog yet and now I'm ready for bed so here's the short and sweet of it all. The 2000 stripling warriors were men of profound faith.  They knew the Lord and trusted Him without a doubt in their minds because they saw the example of testimony of their mothers.  There are many things I want to be and do as a mother but most of all I hope I can be that kind of mother;  a mother that not only teaches my kids the gospel of Jesus Christ but lives it so well that they have no doubt about what I believe; a mother that has such faith that I NEVER doubt the Lord even a little bit and my children know that I trust the Lord in all things; a mother that inspires her children to live their lives that way too.  I could ask for no greater gift as a mother. 

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